Tuesday, December 8, 2009

college habits...

The transition from high school to college has been pretty rough. Going from the slacker life of going to school late and leaving early, partying, being unresponsible. Going to the college life its a major change, having to study about three hours a day, having to show up on time and leave late now, doing homework everynight, on top of that having a job to.

Although its been a tough transition from high school to college, I've been getting through it just fine. My family supports me with my school and work..for the most part. My work has suprisingly been very supportive and let me put school before work and they let me work around my school schedule.

And all of my friends are in college as well so not only do they support me, but they can relate to it as well.

what ive learned so far...

In this class I have learned a lot about the new mla updates. With that I've also improved my writing skills a lot. Also I learned the meaning of digress, step wife, and a few others.

And the last time I've been to a museum would be the living desert if that would qualify as a musuem. If not it would have been about two years ago when I went to the air musuem in palm springs.

process essay

I did my process essay on donating blood, bone marrow, and semen. Its a quick and easy way to make money and quick!

The essay has been erased from my hard drive and I really don't feel like typing it all out again...I do have the paper copy if you would like to see it though.


I think that I deserve about a low to mid A. I have been showing up to class everyday on time, I have been doing all the assignments and turning them in on time. I have put in all sixteen hours fot the lab. On about all of the essays that we have done soo far I have gotten about a B+ or an A-.

So as far as classwork I deserve about an A-...the next deciding factor will be the final. I am confident that I will do good on the final, all in all my grade should end up being at a B+ or A-.

summary/opinion practice

Many californian residents are worried about the higher education system. The CSU schools habe cut many student slots this semester, and plan on cutting a lot more in the spring semester. Along with slots being cut, tuition fees per unit are being reasied as well. Residents are unwilling to pay more in taxes to offset this matter. The survey was taken by 2500 californian residents via telephone, with a plus/minus 2%.

In my opinion I completly disagree with all of the cuts being made. Education needs to be made more accesablefor the leaders of tomorrow. The government is worried about right now, but they should also plan ahead."A majority of respondents, 70%, saw state budget cuts as a big problem and 57%cited overall affordability as a key issue." This is how many others feel and exactly how I feel.

Monday, November 16, 2009

research paper...

...today im sitting here in the lab trying to kill time as usual. I havent yet revised my rough draft for the research paper. Probably tonight or at the latest tomorrow night ill revise my rough draft to get it looked at on wenesday. And then it is due on thursday morning. By then ill have the two tutor reviews and the peer reviews (which I think are pointless)..my rough drafts and sources with most importantly the final draft.
In class its pretty chill as most of the time...at first it didnt really seem like it, but I have actually learned alot in this class. In between Mr. Murphys long digresions I do pay attention and actually learn lol. Hopefully our last few weeks will go off without a hitch. It should in this class, but in some of my other classes im a little worried about that.
Last week I recieved a letter in the mail with my student id and everything to riverside cc. I was and still am pretty excited. Ill be taking some online classes during winter semester due to all the cuts here at cod. Ill be taking winter semester 2010, summer 2010, and winter 2011 there online. That will let me graduate with my associates after the winter 2011 semester. After that its off to the navy for me. Soooooooo staoked for that : )


Monday, November 9, 2009

As time goes on...

into the semester I get a hang of things more and more. Getting used to the teaching styles of teachers and learning to some what "play the game." I am doing pretty good in all my classes. This week is a short week..only three days this week. Wednesday is veterans day so we have that day off then we go back on Thursday which is really stupid. I am here in the lab currently and its pretty boring as always. I'm just trying to kill some time by typing this blog entry really slow. I plan on being here for about another hour and a half at least. I need to get my research paper checked by one of the tutors. I need two of the tutor forms so ill need to come in here another time before thanksgiving comes. And ill be doing the exact same thing next Monday that I'm doing today. Its the never ending cycle of work and school...the story of my life for the next year and couple months of my life. Blah Blah Blah trying to waste time is alot harder than it seems.
One thing that I wanted to talk about is the data base that Mr. Murphy told us to check out. In my opinion it is a piece of garbage. I have a semi-common topic that I am researching and it gives me horrible sources. Mr. Murphy said if i dont like that database, to try another one. The only thing is that I dont know of any other data bases aside from wikipedia. And I dont know why but wikipedia is really frowned upon when using it has a source.
Ok so I just had the tutor look at my paper and I didnt have too many issues except for the citing in my paper. I just need to look that up in the hackers rules for writing handbook. Also he said that i need to have all the quotations in my paper in conjunction with my sentances. So tonight or tomorrow night I will make some changes to my paper and probably not until next monday will I get my paper checked again.
